DIY Succulent Seat

A retired old chair can be refashioned into a great planter with some easy steps and a love of succulents.
What you need:
- An old wooden chair, with the seat removed
- Organic fertiliser pellets
- Palm peat block (reconstituted in water)
- Potting soil
- Bonemeal or superphosphate
- A selection of succulents from large to small
- Weed-control fabric
- Staple gun
- Scissors
- Paintbrush
What to do:
- Make a soil mix with ½ potting soil, ½ palm peat, a handful of organic fertiliser pellets and a handful of bonemeal or superphosphate.
- Cut a piece of fabric bigger than the cavity of the seat and press it into the cavity, to create a planting hole.
- Don’t trim the fabric, but first staple it to the inside of the frame. Cut away the excess once you are sure it’s secure.
- Fill the cavity halfway with the enriched soil mix.
- Start planting the succulents, placing the larger ones towards the back and flowing off the sides.
- Mould the soil as you go, so the design you create is not flat.
- When all the spaces are filled, dust off the plants with a dry paintbrush and water well.